Institutional or Corporate Memory

An organization throughout their life cycle, from the time create records & information for their eventual disposal. It needs identification, classification, storing, securing, retrieving, tracking and destroying or permanently preserving records.

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Organizational Brain Drain

The flight of talented, relevant experienced, and highly qualified employees — that occurs when employees perceive the direction and leadership of the company to be unstable or stagnant, and thus, unable to keep up with their personal and professional ambitions. To avoid a brain drain, smart companies are reassessing their employee retention strategies for how to retain senior employees.

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Every person is different so why retention C&B, retention plan be the same

Fit the retention tactic to the person It should come as no surprise that many executives who have made unique contributions to the enterprise will not be enticed by generic efforts aimed at retaining senior employees. "One-size-fits-all retention packages are usually unsuccessful in persuading a diverse group of key employees to stay. Instead, companies should tailor retention approaches to the mindsets and motivations of specific employees (as well as to the express nature of the changes involved)," says a report by consulting firm McKinsey & Co.

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